Investment at Imatra Mills Reached Rooftop

Helsinki, Finland 02 May 2017 -- In May 2016, Stora Enso announced that it will invest EUR 70 million in a new polyethylene (PE) extrusion coating plant and an automated roll warehouse (ARW) at Imatra mills in Finland to further enhance its position in premium paperboards.

There is increasing customer demand for food service board and liquid packaging board. PE coating shields packaging from moisture, prevents gases getting through and gives protection against smells and unwanted flavours for the packaged product. These barrier features are especially important when packaging foodstuff.

The investment is expected to be completed in early Q4 2017. When ready, the PE extrusion coating plant and automated roll warehouse will ensure more direct response times and good stable quality in all deliveries to customers. The investment will also allow further product development of an innovative new generation of biobarriers.

In the beginning of April 2017, the building of the new PE plant reached its rooftop, and the new automated warehouse is getting up to full speed as well. All the contractors and people involved in the project shared a moment of celebration at this point in construction.

Currently, about 130 professionals from different contractors work at the construction site. The number of employees will increase with installation of devices in the beginning of the summer.